
Our Approach

Are you facing problems with simmering conflicts or poor communication, with misunderstandings or low morale in your organization or school? In these divided times it feels urgent to respond to our divisions and build understanding from multiple perspectives. Need help?

SOS training programs facilitate an engaging experience for your staff, students, teachers or managers to help bridge differences and build relationships between groups in an organization or community. Send out an SOS to bring help for moving through your issues to become the healthy community that you want and envision.

The work of SOS is based on Dr. John Ungerleider’s three decades of experience working with groups from communities in conflict around the world at the School for International Training. SOS also has an experienced group of affiliated trainers that can team with John for custom training workshops.

We use participatory, experiential activities that will have your team enjoying an interactive session in which they will get to know and appreciate colleagues in new and meaningful ways.

Results of an SOS Training

Improve communication with new awareness and skills to reach across differences and work through conflict. 

Experience more connection, collaboration, and compassionate understanding between individuals and groups.

Build clarity, trust, and openness in working for change interpersonally, organizationally — within or between groups.

Focus of Training Workshops


  • Communication Skills for Dialogue — Are we stuck in divisive arguments, or competitive debates when we could be collaborating effectively?

  • Intercultural Communication — Diverse cultural backgrounds impact our work on teams, and we can improve the way we relate.

  • Group Songwriting — “Sing Our Sides” is an inter-group songwriting workshop for communities in conflict to write verses about issues they face.


  • Teambuilding & Trust Building — Through fun games and team challenges, we can work together more effectively.

  • Problem-solving & Decision Making — Change paralyzing old habits to improve patterns of teamwork and productivity.

  • Personal and Cultural Conflict Styles — Examine how we deal with conflict, or don’t, to gain more freedom of choice in transforming systems.


  • Experiential Learning for Organizational Change — Games and team challenges focus on how we can work better together.

  • Youth Dialogue for Empowerment — Facilitate structured dialogue for young people to support each other in working for social change.

  • A Climate Change Participatory Musical — A unique “co-opera” guides participants in moving from fear and denial to hope and action.


Professor John Ungerleider describes the iceberg model, which details different issues that may or may not be conspicuous when dealing with conflict.